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Water Studio Renovation Shot 3

Here is a before after of the archive area in my water studio.  The before  shot is a clear picture with the inherent spatial issues I contended with to make the space more user friendly.  In the first renovation 2 years ago, right when I bought the space, I ripped out the drop ceiling, grinded 1000 lbs. of rust off the ceiling, primed the ceiling and sprayed it white.  This cleaned the space up significantly but the ceiling was very busy, the space was dominated by poles , and the open studio plan made focus on one area of my creativity difficult.  In the after shot you see how the space is dramatically improved.  When I go down to work now there is a pretty flow to the space, the lighting is gorgeous, there are designated areas for various tasks, the space is clean and I want to work.  I also now have a very attractive gallery to show collectors my current work.  This renovation like my upstairs residential loft is a gift that keeps giving and makes me a better creator… worth every penny, blood, sweat and tear.



Posted on Sunday, April 8, 2007 at 11:39AM by Registered Commenter[Your Name Here] | Comments Off