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Water Studio Renovated Shot 4

Last night I sold my first painting out of the renovated painting studio I spent months working on with my assistant.  My collectors Kim and Patrick had things to say about my upstairs renovation, which they had never seen finished.  They really got a charge out of my winter activities when we went downstairs and they saw what I have done to the basement.  Kim took a plant painting, one of my old Reconstruction paintings from 1997 and a dear friend.  I’m a softy on her because she owns 20 of my paintings and has supported my career for a decade now.  They were blown away by my water studio or basement studio.  This felt good and today I build on the energy.  Below is  a before after of my new computer area.water-reno-befafter-4.jpg

Posted on Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at 08:53AM by Registered Commenter[Your Name Here] | Comments Off