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New Work

I have catch up to do here.  I have four or five new pieces to put up on the blog… this weekend hopefully.  My assistant is leaving for NYC art school in two weeks… he will be missed.  My intern Alanna is helping me with a number of projects.  I am getting closer to the new website solution - I’m tired of research.  The art is going well, I’m settling in to my renovated Water studio.  It’s interesting to me the cycles of productivity.  I renovated the basement space with the future in mind, that I would settle into a nice art making clip if the space was designed the way my brain works.  This is exactly what is happening… I have grown strong at planning for creative episodes and designing my space and life around maximum art making.  The summer is pleasant and my collectors are coming back after a tight period.  This always feels good.  And I have no more renovation expenses, so I pour my dollars into web, the printing end of my business as I intend to offer posters to my collectors, and marketing.  It’s a good time for Sandy Garnett Studio right now.  In two weeks I fly off to Jackson for a portrait commission, which will be cool.  More this weekend.

Posted on Friday, July 20, 2007 at 09:54AM by Registered Commenter[Your Name Here] | Comments Off