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Data Management

As a professional self-represented fine artist I spend a lot of time researching more efficient means of accomplishing tasks, whether they be office or art related.  When it’s promo time I get bogged down with some of the admin that an office assistant could really help with.  I finally have part time help but not on the office front.  My data is scattered in Microsoft Office, a Filemaker database I designed years ago, Quicken, macmail, and MaxProg Bulk Emailer to name a few.  Wouldn’t it be nice to solidify this data?  I am looking at the new version of Market Circle Daylite.  I have an older version but this one works seamlessly with macmail.  Increasingly my business is email based, and I am constantly referring to email as I used to refer to paper receipts as many of us are.  This product is not expensive but the time to switch things around in the office is… another day in the life…

Posted on Friday, May 4, 2007 at 09:32AM by Registered Commenter[Your Name Here] | Comments Off