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One would be surprised how crucial wetness and dryness are to a painter.  I live in this state my whole life.  I am a farmer herding canvases of varying degrees of wetness and dryness.  If a painting is wet one has limitations, same with a dry canvas.  This element trumps all in painting.  You’d be surprised how screwed you get when you walk up to the wet canvas with dry wit and an engine full of whoop ass; in this scenario you are done from the get go.  A crafty artist has to dance with each canvas in the way the canvas requires one to dance… after you leave your marks on a half finished canvas, the next day you’re a guest in that world and if you can’t dominate you had better be polite or you’re chopped liver.  And this here is table talk, one chewed up painter to another, lifetime lessons, forever…

Posted on Saturday, February 3, 2007 at 09:46AM by Registered Commenter[Your Name Here] | Comments Off