Creative Musings
I was close to moving out of my CT loft. I almost bought a studio in Chelsea. The contract was on my lawyer’s desk for the agreed upon price. Buchbinder Realty, which owns 5000 units and is devoid of ethical practice, changed the price 35,000. and I walked away from that bad Ju-Ju. With a renter coming I started renovating my second studio and tried to find a suitable rental in NYC. This was all too fast so I bailed on the move for now… I continue building here and keep my NYC studio share.
I have built the perfect work and live spaces that I own, so this year I enjoy the creative process and market. Right now I’m very inspired, this magic that laps the spirit and carries one off to the greener pastures of the mind and heart. I spend my conscious time prepping for such flights… my whole adult life really. I look back and every move I made after age 19 was motivated by art making, how to survive at it, how to be a master, how to live the life. And then one has the serendipituos moment like I’m in the middle of and all questions evaporate… this is what I am here to do… the right thing… following my calling at any cost. I am a decent human so any cost is something I pay for - I don’t levy heavy taxes on friends and family…
I write this on my blog… the diary gone public… strange yet I think an interesting exercise - people come here for news and pictures so I’ll get back to that as soon as I get my basement finished.