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Field of Figures Lighting

I’m working on my next Field of Figures sculpture.  Figure 4, The Miles figure, will be done in a week.  My collector will be placing this in her restaurant so I need to create an environment that mounts to a wall and contains proper lighting.  I will also need to plexi the exterior so people won’t touch the figures.  I would prefer glass but I think this might not be practical in a high traffic area.  I like this lighting so I will design the metal environment accordingly.20070109fieldfigureslightch.jpg

 The Field of Figures sculpture continues to unfold in exciting ways.  Each collector who buys an edition sponsors the creation of the next figure until there are 32 collectors and 32 sculpture editions; each sculpture will eventually have 32 unique figures.  I could not afford to make all of the figures all at once so each new collector comes into the project and helps me make another figure.  I also like that I get to create new environments for each sculpture.  An edition is essentially a set of figures and the environments can change.  I have in mind a show with 20 or 30 completely different environments.  I  think this would be powerful and beautiful.  The current price for an edition is $15,000. USD.  With what it costs to make these sculptures this is a good price, which will continue to rise as demand for the series increases.

Posted on Wednesday, January 10, 2007 at 06:34PM by Registered Commenter[Your Name Here] | Comments Off