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Back in the Paint

200060915renovatedstudio.jpgRenovated Loft kitchen level.

There is an ebb and flow to the art making process which dances or clunks with the rhythm of the creator’s life.  I try to keep my life simple and fluid in order to get my complexities out in the art.  I often refer to my existence lightly as quasi-monastic, as I spend 90% of my time alone working.  I have many friends and a close family, I love people, but I’m here in this life to make art and people around mean that I’m not making anything.  Back to the ebb and flow… I went to Ireland for a week a month ago on the heels of my largest sale, relaxed, returned and spent two weeks into finishing up the renovations in my loft.  I bumped up a number of elements and stations in my studio, as now my loft is done for the most part, a perfect meeting place for collectors to show my paintings and sculptures and a comfortable home that I’ve never quite had.  I got some music equipment for sketches, some sculpture equipment for my next paintings, and a new lense for my camera, a 17-35mm beauty that finally allows me to shoot a room without pasting images together.  In short I made some rapid improvements to my operation and this week got back to art making, which felt really good.

Painting rhythm is like any rhythm, and builds over hours and days and years.  Painting is second nature to me, the way I have survived for 15 years as a professional artist, my everything.  So it’s a little like slipping back into my skin, getting back to the easel… it makes me say, ‘Hey? Where were you for those two weeks?’  There is such a well spring of inspiration in these passages, the flow of the paint as life moves on.  I couldn’t turn off last night, a problem many creators have.  I was fired up and couldn’t get to sleep because the light switch was stuck on, building creative momentum… this is the fun part, never gets old, what we artists toil away for, the hunt, the search, the buzzing of creativity in the ears.

Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 at 10:41AM by Registered Commenter[Your Name Here] | Comments Off