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vacation after a long stretch

I’m going away for a much needed vacation.  The blog is an interesting experiment and I hope to improve upon it.  I may have sold another painting this week.  I just sold an entire series of work from 1995, and this has put wind in the sails.  One never knows as an artist where the winds will be, so the prudent artist must create his or her own world and stay at work.  One of the tricky things about art making is that art is often a solitary sport, yet work needs to get to the world and creators have to assume this responsibility.  I have always believed that a great working environment is the most important element for me, as I am comfortable to explore in my space and I am not overly burdened with the outside world to hinder my riffs.  The artist lives a which comes first the chicken or the egg life often.  One must master one’s art form and bring it to market forever, and one must survive in the process.  In order to survive by painting one must have space and find the zone and find collectors.  In order for one to find the zone one must have space supported by collectors that one might not have.  In order to make art for a living one must paint constantly in order to achieve fluency in one’s medium and hopefully original art statements will emerge which one can bring to market.  In order for one to build one’s career one must find one’s way into a major marketplace where this sort of life work is respected by brokers in the art profession.  But as it all starts with one’s own vibe, which reflects in one’s own space, the best thing I ever did was to find space that I could afford to survive in, live simply and be prolific.  This is my story in a nutshell.

Posted on Friday, August 11, 2006 at 12:09AM by Registered Commenter[Your Name Here] | CommentsPost a Comment

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