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2006 Recap

I had my best year this year.  This was the year of the Field of Figures and my Revolutionary Totems.  I completed the renovations on my Connecticut work/live loft, which taught me a great deal, cost me a lot of blood, sweat, tears and money.  I had my first intern last summer, and I have part time help now, something that changes the face of my studio and frees me up to do what I’m supposed to do.  People have been saying for years that I ought to get help.  They don’t know what it’s taken for me to afford such a luxury.  Like any growing studio or business, a luxury today will be a necessity tomorrow, so this is a good thing.  I am getting more assistance, which makes me faster as the demand for my work grows and my prices move in the right direction steadily.

 I like stats because my family members are all jocks and I treat my career like I’m stepping on the field to play the art game.  This analogy may seem absurd but the game face is a dynamic tool that allowed me to survive in this brutal business since the day I left college.  I have painted 840 paintings in my career.  Since 2000 I have painted 300 paintings, 263 of which have sold.  In 2006 I painted 45 paintings and I sold 45 paintings, 15 from inventory, five gifts which leaves 10 inventoried in 2006.  I have five Twister paintings I am working on from 2006 and several other pictures that remain in my inventory.  I sold my second body of work from 1995(the Green Series) to one collector for $50,000.USD, my largest cumulative sale.

I am working on my Field of Figures and new Twister paintings currently.  I am also working on several books that represent my career.  I have been working with the Fingerprint Project for 17 years and suddenly there are several artists and companies who are claiming to be ‘Fingerprint Artists’, which is admittedly frustrating.  So I’d like to get some art world attention on the Fingerprint Project and for my Twister pictures.

Happy New Year and thanks for checking in.  I’m getting 400 visitors a month, up from 3 monthly visitors six months ago, so I’m doing something right with this blog.  It’s a good communication tool for collectors and this format satisfies a part of my ravenous writing tendencies. 

Posted on Saturday, December 30, 2006 at 12:18PM by Registered Commenter[Your Name Here] | Comments Off