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New Field of Figures

Field Figures 2_2.jpgI sold another Field of Figures sculpture to my friend Theresa.  Thank you Theresa.  She and her husband own and operate a highly esteemed restaurant and Inn where my sculpture will be installed.  More on that later.  I took measurements and will design an ‘environment’ for my figures to live in that suits her space.  This is one of the coolest things about the Field of Figures project, the fact that each new collector sponsors a new figure and I can create new worlds for each edition.  Theresa’s sculpture will be mounted to a prominent wall and I will build lighting into the installation from below.

I am strongest when I am on an earlier schedule, eating well, working out, and my studio has work to be done.  There is always art to make, but a little demand sweetens the experience, churns the wheels.  Lately I’ve had so much going on I haven’t really known where to start.  When there is a lot of activity I spend a lot of time on administrative work as a one man show, which takes easel time away from me.  But inevitably I settle into the pocket, things cool off a bit and the answers are almost always found at the easel.  I use this term easel for my sculpture as well by the by.  I started as a painter and I think always like a painter, even when I’m sculpting.  The easel is a particular item that describes one’s activity, whereas ‘on the work bench’ for example does not clarify sculptor the way ‘on the wheel’ connotes ceramicist.  Anyway back to the easel.  I have ten paintings to deliver in the next three weeks.  This is unusual and explains my initial frantic reaction to the demand.  But the answers start to appear and one canvas answers questions that spills into the next.  Here is my zen state on the early schedule, where everything will work itself out.  I have to arrive at this state after a passage of activity, and once I’m here I do everything to stay in this state until the work is through me and out the door successfully.  This is my most powerful and what got me here.  Nothing can stop the art.  Happy Thanksgiving.

Posted on Thursday, November 23, 2006 at 06:22AM by Registered Commenter[Your Name Here] | Comments Off