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2006 Square City Sold

2006squarecity-frank.jpgI sold this to my friend Frank this week.  I painted this picture during my last open studio in May.  My mom and aunt were at the Moma the other day to see Brice Marden’s retro and they bumped into him, as he was there doing an interview with Charlie Rose.  He was gracious and charming, which is very nice to hear.  With the press buzzing around Marden I think this week of him when looking at this painting, although he has never been a direct inspiration.  I think mazes, fingerprints and the deconstructed skeletons of modernism that Marden was also looking at, although his influences are clearly filtered through the Ab Ex artists that I respect but tend to bypass as I am more interested in Reconstructing Deconstruction.  When looking at the 100 artists who spin my tanks as a first generation Reconstructionist, Picasso’s Charnel House, Klee, Duschamps’ Nude Descending Staircase, Saul Steinberg’s famous maps, Mondrian’s Broadway Boogie-Woogie, and on and on.  The line is such a mistress.  Thanks Frank.
Posted on Friday, October 27, 2006 at 08:39AM by Registered Commenter[Your Name Here] | Comments Off