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Movie Tear

Broken Bridges is an inspiring coming home story of sorts.  Infamous is a better Capote movie than Capote, more compassionate, a more playful yet pained Capote exists in this film, and Sandra Bullock finally breaks stereotype in her best role as Harper Lee.  Half Nelson follows Ryan Gossling’s naughty habits yet charming personality with the school kids, but the movie goes nowhere.  Marie Antoinette similarly is a mere exercise in style as Ms. Capolla takes easy time after Lost in Translation, which all the women fell over for.  Hollywoodland mics Adrian Brody’s annoying whisper, which seems a director effect, one of those films where the sound guys go overboard.  Otherwise the movie has its moments, but how do you tell a story that is never resolved in real life?  You can’t really, so the film ponders.  12 and Counting is an okay movie about childhood trauma, its fallout, or what it’s like to be 12 maybe.

 Infamous is a very strong and enjoyable picture (you have to get over the voice otherwise you’re sunk), particularly if you make art for a living, and I liked Broken Bridges very much, although one must like country music and respect the heartland; metrollectuals need not apply to snicker.

What else?  I’m in renovation land, wiring the ceiling before I close it up, drywall central… making good moves, getting closer… and making some art as well. 

Posted on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 at 09:34PM by Registered Commenter[Your Name Here] | Comments Off