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On Painting and Sculpting

It is my Mother’s Birthday.  Happy Birthday Dona with one ‘n’.  You are loved.

I am working on several fingerprint commissions and traditional portraits.  I am also making some Reconstruction paintings, building the e-commerce element of my site, and learning more about the web currently.  The summer has been interesting.  My studio is always filled with new ideas that I make into reality and then these ideas depart into some other existence.  The best thing about being a creator is that every day is completely new, and the world becomes a singular experience wherever one walks.  So there is this element of capture that photographers make so much use of that painters and sculptors use as well in longer ways.  I will work on a painting for a day or for 10 years.  Every day adds to the intrigue or frustration in a painting, generally the former.  One of the best things about art that does not move around as film is that one must work with materials and the brain in concert to propel original content from one’s spirit onto a stationary platform in some application or reductionary fashion.  If one does this consistenly well one may become reliable in the form of art making.  If one reproduces one’s past achievements without finding new ground the cracks begin to form in the sandstone edifice of one’s particular world.  Best works fly away and need no platform, podium, respite, argument, words to surround them in order to make them something they are not, symptoms which often insinuate the contemporary art arena. This stream removes redundancy from concern as great things repeated will never be great, as history buries so many more crucial artifacts in its brutally beautiful ways.

Posted on Monday, July 17, 2006 at 11:06AM by Registered Commenter[Your Name Here] | Comments Off